Vault Registry


The vault registry is the central place to manage vaults. Vaults can register themselves here, update their collateral, or can be liquidated. Similarly, the issue, redeem, refund, and replace protocols call this module to assign vaults during issue, redeem, refund, and replace procedures. Moreover, vaults use the registry to register public key for the On-Chain Key Derivation Scheme and register addresses for the OP_RETURN scheme.


The parachain supports the usage of different currencies for usage as collateral. Which currencies are allowed is determined by governance - they have to explicitly white-list currencies to be able to be used as collateral. They also have to set the various safety thresholds for each currency.

Vaults in the system are identified by a VaultId, which is essentially a (AccountId, CollateralCurrency, WrappedCurrency) tuple. Note the distinction between the AccountId and the VaultId. A vault operator can run multiple vaults using a the same AccountId but different collateral currencies (and thus VaultIds). Each vault is isolated from all others. This means that if vault operator has two running vaults using the same AccountId but different CollateralCurrencies, then if one of the vaults were to get liquidated, the other vaults remains untouched. The vault client manages all VaultIds associated with a given AccountId. Vault operators will be able to register new VaultIds through the UI, and the vault client will automatically start to manage these.

When a user requests an issue, it selects a single vault to issue with (this choice may be made automatically by the UI). However, since the wrapped token is fully fungible, it may be redeemed with any vault, even if that vault is using a different collateral currency. When redeeming, the user again selects a single vault to redeem with. If a vault fails to execute a redeem request, the user is able to either get back its wrapped token, or to get reimbursed in the vault’s collateral currency. If the user prefers the latter, the choice of vault becomes relevant because it determines which currency is received in case of failure.

The WrappedCurrency part of the VaultId is currently always required to take the same value - in the future support for different wrapped currencies may be added.

Moreover, the system implements a ceiling for the maximum amount of collateral than can be locked in the system per collateral and wrapped token pair. Governance is able to update the collateral ceilings.


Please note that multi-collateral is a recent addition to the code, and the spec has not been fully updated .

Data Model



Time period in which a Vault cannot participate in issue, redeem or replace requests.

  • Measured in Parachain blocks

  • Initial value: 1 day (Parachain constant)


Account identifier of an artificial vault maintained by the VaultRegistry to handle interBTC balances and DOT collateral of liquidated Vaults. That is, when a vault is liquidated, its balances are transferred to LiquidationVaultAccountId and claims are later handled via the LiquidationVault.



Mapping from CurrencyId to the account identifier of an artificial vault (see SystemVault) maintained by the VaultRegistry to handle interBTC balances and collateral of liquidated Vaults that use the given currency. That is, when a vault is liquidated, its balances are transferred to LiquidationVault and claims are later handled via the LiquidationVault.


A Vault’s token balances and collateral are transferred to the LiquidationVault as a result of automated liquidations and report_vault_theft.


Mapping from CurrencyId to the minimum collateral a vault needs to provide to register.


This is a protection against spamming the protocol with very small collateral amounts. Vaults are still able to withdraw the collateral after registration, but at least it requires an additional transaction fee, and it provides protection against accidental registration with very low amounts of collateral.


Mapping from CurrencyId to to the over-collateralization rate for collateral locked by Vaults, necessary for issuing tokens.

The Vault can take on issue requests depending on the collateral it provides and under consideration of the SecureCollateralThreshold. The maximum amount of interBTC a vault is able to support during the issue process is based on the following equation:

\(\text{max(interBTC)} = \text{collateral} * \text{ExchangeRate} / \text{SecureCollateralThreshold}\).

  • The Secure Collateral Threshold MUST be greater than the Liquidation Threshold.

  • The Secure Collateral Threshold MUST be greater than the Premium Redeem Threshold.


As an example, assume we use DOT as collateral, we issue interBTC and lock BTC on the Bitcoin side. Let’s assume the BTC/DOT exchange rate is 80, i.e., one has to pay 80 DOT to receive 1 BTC. Further, the SecureCollateralThreshold is 200%, i.e., a vault has to provide two-times the amount of collateral to back an issue request. Now let’s say the vault deposits 400 DOT as collateral. Then this vault can back at most 2.5 interBTC as: \(400 * (1/80) / 2 = 2.5\).


Mapping from CurrencyId to the the collateral rate of Vaults, at which users receive a premium, allocated from the Vault’s collateral, when performing a Redeem with this Vault.

  • The Premium Redeem Threshold MUST be greater than the Liquidation Threshold.


Mapping from CurrencyId to the lower bound for the collateral rate in issued tokens. If a Vault’s collateral rate drops below this, automatic liquidation is triggered.

  • The Liquidation Threshold MUST be greater than 100% for any collateral asset.


Mapping from a collateral CurrencyId to a wrapped CurrencyId. Determines the maximum amount of collateral that Vaults are able to lock for backing a wrapped asset.


Mapping from accounts of Vaults to their struct. <Account, Vault>.



Stores the information of a Vault.






A set of Bitcoin address(es) of this vault, used for theft detection. Additionally, it contains the btcPublicKey used for generating deposit addresses in the issue process.



Current status of the vault (Active, Liquidated, CommittedTheft)



Block height until which this vault is banned from being used for Issue, Redeem (except during automatic liquidation) and Replace .



Number of interBTC tokens currently requested as part of an uncompleted issue request.



Number of interBTC tokens actively issued by this Vault.



Number of interBTC tokens reserved by pending redeem and replace requests.



Number of interBTC tokens requested for replacement.



Griefing collateral to be used for accepted replace requests.



Any collateral that is locked for remaining to_be_redeemed on liquidation.



The currency the vault uses for collateral


This specification currently assumes for simplicity that a vault will reuse the same BTC address, even after multiple redeem requests. [Future Extension]: For better security, Vaults may desire to generate new BTC addresses each time they execute a redeem request. This can be handled by pre-generating multiple BTC addresses and storing these in a list for each Vault. Caution is necessary for users which execute issue requests with “old” vault addresses - these BTC must be moved to the latest address by Vaults.


A system vault that keeps track of tokens of liquidated vaults.






Number of tokens pending issue



Number of issued tokens



Number of tokens pending redeem



the currency used for collateral

External Functions


Registers a new Vault. The vault locks up some amount of collateral, and provides a public key which is used for the On-Chain Key Derivation Scheme.


Function Signature

register_vault(vault, collateral, btcPublicKey)


  • vault: The account of the vault to be registered.

  • collateral: to-be-locked collateral.

  • btcPublicKey: public key used to derive deposit keys with the On-Chain Key Derivation Scheme.

  • currencyId: the currency that the vault will use as collateral.



  • The function call MUST be signed by vaultId.

  • The BTC Parachain status in the Security component MUST NOT be SHUTDOWN:2.

  • The vault MUST NOT be registered yet

  • The vault MUST have sufficient funds to lock the collateral

  • collateral > MinimumCollateralVault, i.e., the vault MUST provide sufficient collateral (above the spam protection threshold).


  • The vault’s free balance in the given currency MUST decrease by collateral.

  • The vault’s reserved balance MUST in the given currency increase by collateral.

  • The new vault MUST be created as follows:

    • vault.wallet: MUST be empty.

    • vault.status: MUST be set to active=true.

    • vault.bannedUntil: MUST be empty.

    • vault.toBeIssuedTokens: MUST be zero.

    • vault.issuedTokens: MUST be zero.

    • vault.toBeRedeemedTokens: MUST be zero.

    • vault.toBeReplacedTokens: MUST be zero.

    • vault.replaceCollateral: MUST be zero.

    • vault.liquidatedCollateral: MUST be zero.

    • vault.currencyId: MUST be the supplied currencyId

  • The new vault MUST be inserted into Vaults using their account identifier as key.


Add a new BTC address to the vault’s wallet. Typically this function is called by the vault client to register a return-to-self address, prior to making redeem/replace payments. If a vault makes a payment to an address that is not registered, nor is a valid redeem/replace payment, it will be marked as theft.


Function Signature

registerAddress(vaultId, address)


  • vaultId: the account of the vault.

  • address: a valid BTC address.



  • The function call MUST be signed by vaultId.

  • The BTC Parachain status in the Security component MUST NOT be set to SHUTDOWN: 2.

  • A vault with id vaultId MUST NOT be registered.


  • address MUST be added to the vault’s wallet.


Changes a vault’s public key that is used for the On-Chain Key Derivation Scheme.


Function Signature

updatePublicKey(vaultId, publicKey)


  • vaultId: the account of the vault.

  • publicKey: the new BTC public key of the vault.



  • The function call MUST be signed by vaultId.

  • The BTC Parachain status in the Security component MUST NOT be set to SHUTDOWN: 2.

  • A vault with id vaultId MUST be registered.


  • The vault’s public key MUST be set to publicKey.


The vault locks additional collateral as a security against stealing the Bitcoin locked with it.


Function Signature

deposit_collateral(vaultId, collateral)


  • vaultId: The account of the vault locking collateral.

  • collateral: to-be-locked collateral.



  • The function call MUST be signed by vaultId.

  • The BTC Parachain status in the Security component MUST NOT be set to SHUTDOWN: 2.

  • A vault with id vaultId MUST be registered.

  • The vault MUST have sufficient unlocked collateral in the currency determined by vault.currencyId to lock.


  • Function depositStake MUST complete successfully - parameterized by vaultId and collateral.

  • The vault MUST lock an amount of collateral of its collateral, using the currency set in vault.currencyId.


A vault can withdraw its free collateral at any time, as long as the collateralization ratio remains above the SecureCollateralThreshold. Collateral that is currently being used to back issued interBTC remains locked until the vault is used for a redeem request (full release can take multiple redeem requests).


Function Signature

withdrawCollateral(vaultId, withdrawAmount)


  • vaultId: The account of the vault withdrawing collateral.

  • withdrawAmount: To-be-withdrawn collateral.



  • The function call MUST be signed by vaultId.

  • The BTC Parachain status in the Security component MUST be set to RUNNING:0.

  • A vault with id vaultId MUST be registered.

  • The collatalization rate of the vault MUST remain above SecureCollateralThreshold after the withdrawal of withdrawAmount.

  • After the withdrawal, the vault’s ratio of nominated collateral to own collateral must remain above the value returned by getMaxNominationRatio.


  • Function withdrawStake MUST complete successfully - parameterized by vaultId and withdrawAmount.

  • The vault’s free balance in the currency configured by vault.currencyID MUST increase by withdrawAmount.

  • The vault’s locked balance in the currency configured by vault.currencyID MUST decrease by withdrawAmount.

Internal Functions


During an issue request function (requestIssue), a user must be able to assign a vault to the issue request. As a vault can be assigned to multiple issue requests, race conditions may occur. To prevent race conditions, a Vault’s collateral is reserved when an IssueRequest is created - toBeIssuedTokens specifies how much interBTC is to be issued (and the reserved collateral is then calculated based on get_price).


Function Signature

tryIncreaseToBeIssuedTokens(vaultId, tokens)


  • vaultId: The BTC Parachain address of the Vault.

  • tokens: The amount of interBTC to be locked.



  • The BTC Parachain status in the Security component MUST be set to RUNNING:0.

  • A vault with id vaultId MUST be registered.

  • The vault MUST have sufficient collateral to remain above the SecureCollateralThreshold after issuing tokens.

  • The vault status MUST be Active(true)

  • The vault MUST NOT be banned


  • The vault’s toBeIssuedTokens MUST be increased by an amount of tokens.


A Vault’s committed tokens are unreserved when an issue request (cancelIssue) is cancelled due to a timeout (failure!). If the vault has been liquidated, the tokens are instead unreserved on the liquidation vault.


Function Signature

decreaseToBeIssuedTokens(vaultId, tokens)


  • vaultId: The BTC Parachain address of the Vault.

  • tokens: The amount of interBTC to be unreserved.



  • The BTC Parachain status in the Security component MUST NOT be set to SHUTDOWN: 2.

  • A vault with id vaultId MUST be registered.

  • If the vault is not liquidated, it MUST have at least tokens toBeIssuedTokens.

  • If the vault is liquidated, it MUST have at least tokens toBeIssuedTokens.


  • If the vault is not liquidated, its toBeIssuedTokens MUST be decreased by an amount of tokens.

  • If the vault is liquidated, the liquidation vault’s toBeIssuedTokens MUST be decreased by an amount of tokens.


The issue process completes when a user calls the executeIssue function and provides a valid proof for sending BTC to the vault. At this point, the toBeIssuedTokens assigned to a vault are decreased and the issuedTokens balance is increased by the amount of issued tokens.


Function Signature

issueTokens(vaultId, amount)


  • vaultId: The BTC Parachain address of the Vault.

  • tokens: The amount of interBTC that were just issued.



  • The BTC Parachain status in the Security component MUST NOT be set to SHUTDOWN: 2.

  • A vault with id vaultId MUST be registered.

  • If the vault is not liquidated, its toBeIssuedTokens MUST be greater than or equal to tokens.

  • If the vault is liquidated, the toBeIssuedTokens of the liquidation vault MUST be greater than or equal to tokens.


  • If the vault is not liquidated, its toBeIssuedTokens MUST be decreased by tokens, while its issuedTokens MUST be increased by tokens.

  • If the vault is not liquidated, function depositStake MUST complete successfully - parameterized by vaultId and tokens.

  • If the vault is liquidated, the toBeIssuedTokens of the liquidation vault MUST be decreased by tokens, while its issuedTokens MUST be increased by tokens.


Add an amount of tokens to the toBeRedeemedTokens balance of a vault. This function serves as a prevention against race conditions in the redeem and replace procedures. If, for example, a vault would receive two redeem requests at the same time that have a higher amount of tokens to be issued than his issuedTokens balance, one of the two redeem requests should be rejected.


Function Signature

tryIncreaseToBeRedeemedTokens(vaultId, tokens)


  • vaultId: The BTC Parachain address of the Vault.

  • tokens: The amount of interBTC to be redeemed.



  • The BTC Parachain status in the Security component MUST NOT be set to SHUTDOWN: 2.

  • A vault with id vaultId MUST be registered.

  • The vault MUST NOT be liquidated.

  • The vault MUST have sufficient tokens to reserve, i.e. tokens must be less than or equal to issuedTokens - toBeRedeemedTokens.


  • The vault’s toBeRedeemedTokens MUST be increased by tokens.


Subtract an amount tokens from the toBeRedeemedTokens balance of a vault. This function is called from cancelRedeem.


Function Signature

decreaseToBeRedeemedTokens(vaultId, tokens)


  • vaultId: The BTC Parachain address of the Vault.

  • tokens: The amount of interBTC not to be redeemed.



  • The BTC Parachain status in the Security component must not be set to SHUTDOWN: 2.

  • A vault with id vaultId MUST be registered.

  • If the vault is not liquidated, its toBeRedeemedTokens MUST be greater than or equal to tokens.

  • If the vault is liquidated, the toBeRedeemedTokens of the liquidation vault MUST be greater than or equal to tokens.


  • If the vault is not liquidated, its toBeRedeemedTokens MUST be decreased by tokens.

  • If the vault is liquidated, the toBeRedeemedTokens of the liquidation vault MUST be decreased by tokens.


Decreases both the toBeRedeemed and issued tokens, effectively burning the tokens. This is called from cancelRedeem.


Function Signature

decreaseTokens(vaultId, user, tokens)


  • vaultId: The BTC Parachain address of the Vault.

  • userId: The BTC Parachain address of the user that made the redeem request.

  • tokens: The amount of interBTC that were not redeemed.



  • The BTC Parachain status in the Security component must not be set to SHUTDOWN: 2.

  • A vault with id vaultId MUST be registered.

  • If the vault is not liquidated, its toBeRedeemedTokens and issuedTokens MUST be greater than or equal to tokens.

  • If the vault is liquidated, the toBeRedeemedTokens and issuedTokens of the liquidation vault MUST be greater than or equal to tokens.


  • If the vault is not liquidated, its toBeRedeemedTokens and issuedTokens MUST be decreased by tokens.

  • If the vault is liquidated, the toBeRedeemedTokens and issuedTokens of the liquidation vault MUST be decreased by tokens.


Reduces the to-be-redeemed tokens when a redeem request completes


Function Signature

redeemTokens(vaultId, tokens, premium, redeemerId)


  • vaultId: the id of the vault from which to redeem tokens

  • tokens: the amount of tokens to be decreased

  • premium: amount of collateral to be rewarded to the redeemer if the vault is not liquidated yet

  • redeemerId: the id of the redeemer


One of:


  • The BTC Parachain status in the Security component MUST NOT be set to SHUTDOWN: 2.

  • A vault with id vaultId MUST be registered.

  • If the vault is not liquidated:

    • The vault’s toBeRedeemedTokens must be greater than or equal to tokens.

    • If premium > 0, then the vault’s backingCollateral (as calculated via computeStakeAtIndex) must be greater than or equal to premium.

  • If the vault is liquidated, then the liquidation vault’s toBeRedeemedTokens must be greater than or equal to tokens


  • If the vault IS NOT liquidated:

    • If premium > 0, then premium MUST be transferred from the vault’s collateral to the redeemer’s free balance.

    • Function withdrawStake MUST complete successfully - parameterized by vaultId and tokens.

  • If the vault IS liquidated:

    • The amount toBeReleased is calculated as (vault.liquidatedCollateral * tokens) / vault.toBeRedeemedTokens.

    • The vault’s liquidatedCollateral MUST decrease by toBeReleased.

    • Function depositStake MUST complete successfully - parameterized by vaultId, vaultId, and toBeReleased.

  • The vault’s toBeRedeemedTokens MUST decrease by tokens.

  • The vault’s issuedTokens MUST decrease by tokens.


Handles redeem requests which are executed against the LiquidationVault in the given currency. Reduces the issued token of the LiquidationVault and slashes the corresponding amount of collateral.


Function Signature

redeemTokensLiquidation(redeemerId, tokens, currencyId)


  • currencyId: The currency of the to be received collateral.

  • redeemerId : The account of the user redeeming interBTC.

  • tokens: The amount of interBTC to be burned, in exchange for collateral.



  • The BTC Parachain status in the Security component MUST NOT be set to SHUTDOWN: 2.

  • The liquidation vault with the given currencyId MUST have sufficient tokens, i.e. tokens MUST be less than or equal to its issuedTokens - toBeRedeemedTokens.


  • The used liquidation vault MUST be the one with the given currencyId.

  • The liquidation vault’s issuedTokens MUST decrease by tokens.

  • The redeemer MUST have received an amount of collateral equal to (tokens / liquidationVault.issuedTokens) * liquidationVault.backingCollateral.


Increases the toBeReplaced tokens of a vault, which indicates how many tokens other vaults can replace in total.


Function Signature

increaseToBeReplacedTokens(oldVault, tokens, collateral)


  • vaultId: Account identifier of the vault to be replaced.

  • tokens: The amount of interBTC replaced.

  • collateral: The extra collateral provided by the new vault as griefing collateral for potential accepted replaces.


  • A tuple of the new total toBeReplacedTokens and replaceCollateral.



  • The BTC Parachain status in the Security component MUST NOT be set to SHUTDOWN: 2.

  • A vault with id vaultId MUST be registered.

  • The vault MUST NOT be liquidated.

  • The vault’s increased toBeReplaceedTokens MUST NOT exceed issuedTokens - toBeRedeemedTokens.


  • The vault’s toBeReplaceTokens MUST be increased by tokens.

  • The vault’s replaceCollateral MUST be increased by collateral.


Decreases the toBeReplaced tokens of a vault, which indicates how many tokens other vaults can replace in total.


Function Signature

decreaseToBeReplacedTokens(oldVault, tokens)


  • vaultId: Account identifier of the vault to be replaced.

  • tokens: The amount of interBTC replaced.


  • A tuple of the new total toBeReplacedTokens and replaceCollateral.



  • The BTC Parachain status in the Security component MUST NOT be set to SHUTDOWN: 2.

  • A vault with id vaultId MUST be registered.


  • The vault’s replaceCollateral MUST be decreased by (min(tokens, toBeReplacedTokens) / toBeReplacedTokens) * replaceCollateral.

  • The vault’s toBeReplaceTokens MUST be decreased by min(tokens, toBeReplacedTokens).


the replaceCollateral is not actually unlocked - this is the responsibility of the caller. It is implemented this way, because in requestRedeem it needs to be unlocked, whereas in requestReplace it must remain locked.


When a replace request successfully completes, the toBeRedeemedTokens and the issuedToken balance must be reduced to reflect that removal of interBTC from the oldVault.Consequently, the issuedTokens of the newVault need to be increased by the same amount.


Function Signature

replaceTokens(oldVault, newVault, tokens, collateral)


  • oldVault: Account identifier of the vault to be replaced.

  • newVault: Account identifier of the vault accepting the replace request.

  • tokens: The amount of interBTC replaced.

  • collateral: The collateral provided by the new vault.



  • The BTC Parachain status in the Security component MUST NOT be set to SHUTDOWN: 2.

  • A vault with id oldVault MUST be registered.

  • A vault with id newVault MUST be registered.

  • If oldVault is not liquidated, its toBeRedeemedTokens and issuedTokens MUST be greater than or equal to tokens.

  • If oldVault is liquidated, the liquidation vault’s toBeRedeemedTokens and issuedTokens MUST be greater than or equal to tokens.

  • If newVault is not liquidated, its toBeIssuedTokens MUST be greater than or equal to tokens.

  • If newVault is liquidated, the liquidation vault’s toBeIssuedTokens MUST be greater than or equal to tokens.


  • If the oldVault IS liquidated:

    • The amount toBeReleased MUST be calculated as (oldVault.liquidatedCollateral * tokens) / oldVault.toBeRedeemedTokens.

    • The oldVault’s liquidatedCollateral MUST decrease by toBeReleased.

    • Function depositStake MUST complete successfully - parameterized by oldVault, oldVault and toBeReleased.

  • The oldVault’s toBeRedeemed MUST decrease by tokens.

  • The oldVault’s issuedTokens MUST decrease by tokens.

  • The newVault’s toBeIssuedTokens MUST decrease by tokens.

  • The newVault’s issuedTokens MUST increase by tokens.


Cancels a replace: decrease the old-vault’s to-be-redeemed tokens, and the new-vault’s to-be-issued tokens. If one or both of the vaults has been liquidated, the change is forwarded to the liquidation vault.


Function Signature

cancelReplaceTokens(oldVault, newVault, tokens)


  • oldVault: Account identifier of the vault to be replaced.

  • newVault: Account identifier of the vault accepting the replace request.

  • tokens: The amount of interBTC replaced.


  • The BTC Parachain status in the Security component MUST NOT be set to SHUTDOWN: 2.

  • A vault with id oldVault MUST be registered.

  • A vault with id newVault MUST be registered.

  • If oldVault is not liquidated, its toBeRedeemedTokens MUST be greater than or equal to tokens.

  • If oldVault is liquidated, the liquidation vault’s toBeRedeemedTokens MUST be greater than or equal to tokens.

  • If newVault is not liquidated, its toBeIssuedTokens MUST be greater than or equal to tokens.

  • If newVault is liquidated, the liquidation vault’s toBeIssuedTokens MUST be greater than or equal to tokens.


  • If oldVault is not liquidated, its toBeRedeemedTokens MUST be decreased by tokens.

  • If oldVault is liquidated, the liquidation vault’s toBeRedeemedTokens MUST be decreased by tokens.

  • If newVault is not liquidated, its toBeIssuedTokens MUST be decreased by tokens.

  • If newVault is liquidated, the liquidation vault’s toBeIssuedTokens MUST be decreased by tokens.


Liquidates a vault, transferring token balances to the LiquidationVault, as well as collateral.


Function Signature

liquidateVault(vault, reporter)


  • vault: Account identifier of the vault to be liquidated.

  • reporter: [Optional] Account that initiated the liquidation (e.g. theft report).




  • usedCollateral MUST be calculated as exchangeRate * (issuedTokens + toBeIssuedTokens)) * secureCollateralThreshold.

  • usedCollateral MUST be set to backingCollateral if backingCollateral < usedCollateral.

  • usedTokens MUST be calculated as issuedTokens + toBeIssuedTokens.

  • toBeLiquidated MUST be calculated as (usedCollateral * (usedTokens - toBeRedeemedTokens)) / usedTokens.

  • remainingCollateral MUST be calculated as max(0, usedCollateral - toBeLiquidated).

  • Function withdrawStake MUST complete successfully - parameterized by vault and issuedTokens.

  • Function withdrawStake MUST complete successfully - parameterized by vault and remainingCollateral.

  • liquidatedCollateral MUST be increased by remainingCollateral.

  • toWithdraw MUST be calculated as toBeLiquidated - backingCollateral OR toBeLiquidated if backingCollateral > toBeLiquidated.

  • toSlash MUST be calculated as the remainder of the previous calculation.

  • Function withdrawStake MUST complete successfully - parameterized by vault and toWithdraw.

  • Function slashStake MUST complete successfully - parameterized by vault and toSlash.

  • The liquidation vault MUST be updated as follows:

    • liquidationVault.issuedTokens MUST increase by vault.issuedTokens

    • liquidationVault.toBeIssuedTokens MUST increase by vault.toBeIssuedTokens

    • liquidationVault.toBeRedeemedTokens MUST increase by vault.toBeRedeemedTokens

  • The vault MUST be updated as follows:

    • vault.issuedTokens MUST be set to zero

    • vault.toBeIssuedTokens MUST be set to zero

  • If reporter IS specified, min(TheftFee(liquidatedAmountinBTC), TheftFeeMax) MUST be transferred from the liquidated vault to the reporter.


If a vault successfully executes a replace after having been liquidated, it receives some of its confiscated collateral back.


Returns the nomination ratio, denoting the maximum amount of collateral that can be nominated in a given currency.

  • MaxNominationRatio = (SecureCollateralThreshold / PremiumRedeemThreshold) - 1)


  • SecureCollateralThreshold = 1.5 (150%)

  • PremiumRedeemThreshold = 1.2 (120%)

  • MaxNominationRatio = (1.5 / 1.2) - 1 = 0.25 (25%)

In this example, a Vault with 10 DOT locked as collateral can only receive 2.5 DOT through nomination.



Emit an event stating that a new vault (vault) was registered and provide information on the Vault’s collateral (collateral).

Event Signature

RegisterVault(vault, collateral)


  • vault: The account of the vault to be registered.

  • collateral: the amount of the to-be-locked collateral.



Emit an event stating how much new (newCollateral), total collateral (totalCollateral) and freely available collateral (freeCollateral) the vault calling this function has locked.

Event Signature

DepositCollateral(vault, newCollateral, totalCollateral, freeCollateral)


  • vault: The account of the vault locking collateral.

  • newCollateral: to-be-locked collateral in DOT.

  • totalCollateral: total collateral in DOT.

  • freeCollateral: collateral not “occupied” with interBTC in DOT.



Emit emit an event stating how much collateral was withdrawn by the vault and total collateral a vault has left.

Event Signature

WithdrawCollateral(vault, withdrawAmount, totalCollateral)


  • vault: The account of the vault locking collateral.

  • withdrawAmount: To-be-withdrawn collateral in DOT.

  • totalCollateral: total collateral in DOT.



Emit an event stating that a vault (vault) registered a new address (address).

Event Signature

RegisterAddress(vault, address)


  • vault: The account of the vault to be registered.

  • address: The added address



Emit an event stating that a vault (vault) registered a new address (address).

Event Signature

UpdatePublicKey(vault, publicKey)


  • vault: the account of the vault.

  • publicKey: the new BTC public key of the vault.




Event Signature

IncreaseToBeIssuedTokens(vaultId, tokens)


  • vault: The BTC Parachain address of the Vault.

  • tokens: The amount of interBTC to be locked.




Event Signature

DecreaseToBeIssuedTokens(vaultId, tokens)


  • vault: The BTC Parachain address of the Vault.

  • tokens: The amount of interBTC to be unreserved.



Emit an event when an issue request is executed.

Event Signature

IssueTokens(vault, tokens)


  • vault: The BTC Parachain address of the Vault.

  • tokens: The amount of interBTC that were just issued.



Emit an event when a redeem request is requested.

Event Signature

IncreaseToBeRedeemedTokens(vault, tokens)


  • vault: The BTC Parachain address of the Vault.

  • tokens: The amount of interBTC to be redeemed.



Emit an event when a replace request cannot be completed because the vault has too little tokens committed.

Event Signature

DecreaseToBeRedeemedTokens(vault, tokens)


  • vault: The BTC Parachain address of the Vault.

  • tokens: The amount of interBTC not to be redeemed.



Emit an event when the toBeReplacedTokens is increased.

Event Signature

IncreaseToBeReplacedTokens(vault, tokens)


  • vault: The BTC Parachain address of the Vault.

  • tokens: The amount of interBTC to be replaced.



Emit an event when the toBeReplacedTokens is decreased.

Event Signature

DecreaseToBeReplacedTokens(vault, tokens)


  • vault: The BTC Parachain address of the Vault.

  • tokens: The amount of interBTC not to be replaced.



Emit an event if a redeem request cannot be fulfilled.

Event Signature

DecreaseTokens(vault, user, tokens, collateral)


  • vault: The BTC Parachain address of the Vault.

  • user: The BTC Parachain address of the user that made the redeem request.

  • tokens: The amount of interBTC that were not redeemed.

  • collateral: The amount of collateral assigned to this request.



Emit an event when a redeem request successfully completes.

Event Signature

RedeemTokens(vault, tokens)


  • vault: The BTC Parachain address of the Vault.

  • tokens: The amount of interBTC redeemed.



Emit an event when a user is executing a redeem request that includes a premium.

Event Signature

RedeemTokensPremium(vault, tokens, premiumDOT, redeemer)


  • vault: The BTC Parachain address of the Vault.

  • tokens: The amount of interBTC redeemed.

  • premiumDOT: The amount of DOT to be paid to the user as a premium using the Vault’s released collateral.

  • redeemer: The user that redeems at a premium.



Emit an event when a redeem is executed under the LIQUIDATION status.

Event Signature

RedeemTokensLiquidation(redeemer, redeemDOTinBTC)


  • redeemer : The account of the user redeeming interBTC.

  • redeemDOTinBTC: The amount of interBTC to be redeemed in DOT with the LiquidationVault, denominated in BTC.



Emit an event when a redeem is executed on a liquidated vault.

Event Signature

RedeemTokensLiquidation(redeemer, tokens, unlockedCollateral)


  • redeemer : The account of the user redeeming interBTC.

  • tokens: The amount of interBTC that have been refeemed.

  • unlockedCollateral: The amount of collateral that has been unlocked for the vault for this redeem.



Emit an event when a replace requests is successfully executed.

Event Signature

ReplaceTokens(oldVault, newVault, tokens, collateral)


  • oldVault: Account identifier of the vault to be replaced.

  • newVault: Account identifier of the vault accepting the replace request.

  • tokens: The amount of interBTC replaced.

  • collateral: The collateral provided by the new vault.



Emit an event indicating that the vault with vault account identifier has been liquidated.

Event Signature



  • vault: Account identifier of the vault to be liquidated.


Error Codes


  • Message: “The provided collateral was insufficient - it must be above MinimumCollateralVault.”

  • Cause: The vault provided too little collateral, i.e. below the MinimumCollateralVault limit.


  • Message: “The specified vault does not exist.”

  • Cause: vault could not be found in Vaults mapping.


  • Message: “Not enough free collateral available.”

  • Cause: The vault is trying to withdraw more collateral than is currently free.


  • Message: “Issue request exceeds vault collateral limit.”

  • Cause: The collateral provided by the vault combined with the exchange rate forms an upper limit on how much interBTC can be issued. The requested amount exceeds this limit.


  • Message: “The requested amount of tokens exceeds the amount available to vault.”

  • Cause: A user requests a redeem with an amount exceeding the vault’s tokens, or the vault is requesting replacement for more tokens than it has available.


  • Message: “Action not allowed on banned vault.”

  • Cause: An illegal operation is attempted on a banned vault, e.g. an issue or redeem request.


  • Message: “A vault with the given accountId is already registered.”

  • Cause: A vault tries to register a vault that is already registered.


  • Message: “Deposit address is already registered.”

  • Cause: A vault tries to register a deposit address that is already in the system.


  • Message: “Attempted to liquidate a vault that is not undercollateralized.”

  • Cause: A vault has been reported for being undercollateralized, but at the moment of execution, it is no longer undercollateralized.


  • Message: “Deposit address could not be generated with the given public key.”

  • Cause: An error occurred while attempting to generate a new deposit address for an issue request.


These are the errors defined in this pallet. It is possible that functions in this pallet return errors defined in other pallets.